For Sale: 18.5HP riding mower with 42-inch cut; grader blade; Yard Sale: Barker Rd. 563-9844
For Sale: 2000 Nissan Maxima with 145K miles $5,200 306-4613
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk $20; roll of black roofing paper $10 569-7734
For Sale: Craftsman riding mower $75; small tiller $0 849-2625
For Sale: 12-inch sub-woofers; Memphis 500-watt amp 971-4327
For Sale: 22-inch lawn mower $20 849-3934
Yard Sale: 6AM-? Saturday 543 Warrior Drive 971-3316
Wants: refrigerator 473-8917
For Sale: motor scooter with 52-miles on it $1,300; antique safe; 1947 Desoto $1,000 896-7018
For Sale: new queen bed set comforter with sham $25; large outside light $15; cordless phone $10 890-0707
For Sale: 3 donkeys (males) $50 each; guineas $3.50 each (babies) $5.00 for 2.5 month old; Wants: bales of hay 848-3590
For Sale: treadmill $175; guitar $100; Watusi bull horns $225 295-5505
For Sale: white, upright refrigerator $75; child's rocking chair 474-3737
For Sale: pine roll top desk; Sear's sewing machine $50 893-3285