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Thursday Swap'n Shop

Jun 28, 2012 at 08:14 am by bryan

For Sale: 10-speed Coke bicycle $150; bull horns $225; fishing gear (call him) 295-5505

For Sale: dresser with mirror $10; VCR 631-2642

For Sale: 2000 Nissan Maxima $5,200 306-4613

For Sale: GE 10,000 BTU AC $175; 3 new 10-inch bamboo skewers (378 total) $2; 6 40 ct package of plastic silver forks $15 631-6930

Wants: (will exchange) garden plants (has purple Iris and Hostas); chase lounge (black wrought iron with flower design on arm and back); concrete picnic table and bench (round) 848-0463

For Sale: 5 x 10-foot metal trailer with gate $450 692-4881

Community Yard Sale: July 14 (rain date July 21) 7AM-? In Ridgecrest Acres (out Halls Hill PK. across from Daniel McKee School) 299-7008

For Sale: AC $300 893-5076

For Sale: white camper topper (8-feet long with windows) 631-0967

For Sale: red brick landscape edgers 50-cents each; Wants: round bales of hay 631-0410

For Sale: horse drawn doctor's buggy; Chevy V-6 4.3 motor $200 (or trade) 663-3077

Wants: fresh corn 893-9203

For Sale: Yamaha keyboard $200; new card table $25 569-3971

Sections: Swap and Shop