For Sale: Grateful Dead poster; silver tea set $50 295-5505
For Sale: 1985 Silverado pickup truck; car hauler trailer; 42-inch riding mower 563-9844
For Sale: 1983 Scottsdale high-wheel truck $2,000 849-3934
Yard Sale: Shiloh Community Sale this Sat. 7AM-? (across from Daniel McKee School) 299-7008
For Sale: keyboard, guitar; 2 bicycles 569-3971
For Sale: gas weed eater $35 893-7630
For Sale: 4 piece BR set $100 (bonus of quilt rack) end table, dresser, bed $100; wine rack $10 556-7089
For Sale: 4 Rubber Maid containers $20; 10-inch bamboo skewers $2; 6 (40 ct.) silver forks $15 631-6930
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk; roll of black roofing paper (for under shingles) $10 569-7734
For Sale: Whirlpool AC $290 893-5476
Sock Sale: new socks in his house @ 1012 Clover Ave. (all ages and sizes); Wants: VCR movie “6 Pack” 895-2037
For Sale: Sear's 18-inch chainsaw $40; 2 gas leaf blowers $30 for both; Wants: 22-inch self-propelled high wheel mower 895-1258
Wants: wooden inserts used in windows of homes (standard size); person who lives in Franklin Rd. area with skinny ditch digger (wants someone to dig up and plant some items) 848-0463
For Sale: computer; VCR's 569-3971