For Sale: 60's Grateful Dead poster; 3-Stooges poster; 6-foot antique mirror 295-5505
For Sale: 3 dressers $10 each 439-7682
For Sale: 51-inch big screen TV $195; 19-inch TV $20 893-6564
For Sale: 2000 Nissan Maxima with 145K miles, $5,000 306-4613
For Sale: roll of black roofing paper $10; computer desk $20; upright grand piano 569-7734
For Sale: table router with case; DeWalt planer; oval mat cutter 893-7357
For Sale: 104 8 ounce cups with handle $8; 180 9 oz. Clear plastic cups $10; chrome gas light (new) $35 631-6930
For Sale: 42-inch riding mower; leaf blower; car trailer 563-9844
Wants: digital converter box for TV 578-3989
For Sale: Chevy 4x4 Scottsdale pickup 974-5647 (Johnny, after 5PM)
For Sale: BR set of furniture; wine rack; Wants: small truck; 556-7089
Wants: digital TV converter box 459-4881