Petition Circulating Walter Hill Against the Digging of Borrow Pits for Landfill

Aug 06, 2012 at 10:18 am by bryan

A petition is circulating in the Walter Hill Community that aims stop landowner Richard Reeves from being granted a proposed Temporary Conditional Use Permit for a borrow pit. A borrow pit is an area where material (usually soil, gravel or sand) is dug for use at another location. In this case, the borrow pit would be used by officials at the Middle Point Landfill on Jefferson Pike. Dirt would be excavated from the area in question and then used at the landfill.

According to the petition, residents in the Riverwalk Boulevard area fear the pits will have a negative impact on the community and that the digging of the pits will disrupt a normally quiet neighborhood. So far, over 60-people have signed the petition against the borrow pits.   

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