For Sale: Recliner 609-0153
Yard Sale: 7:30am - ? Friday and Saturday at 5126 Rachel Court 896-7018
For Sale: Lowery organ (with all accessories) 439-5641
Free: 36-inch storm door 962-1102
For Rent: 1 BR apartment in Murfreesboro; For Sale: 36-inch color TV, full size truck toolbox 895-5746
Wants: gas tank for Murray riding mower (1.25 gallon) fit under steering wheel (200 model), Kohler engine (15-19 HP), For Sale: riding mower without deck with 16.5HP B&S motor 525-1968
Wants: pony 556-4915
For Sale: antique 6-foot tall bevel mirror, antique mantle clock, antique 1930's tricycle 295-5505
Event: Benefit for Kim who needs chemotherapy, needs items to sell in yard sale 568-2698
For Sale: 2009 Dodge Dakota with 38K miles $6,500. 273-2460
For Sale: 4 wood tray tables with stands, milk can salt and pepper shakers, rear tine tiller (transmission needs work) 631-6930
Service: caregiver and sitter or babysitter 867-3888
Wants: 50cc motor scooter 713-0297