For Sale: pair of rocking chairs; exercise bike; pocket knives and pistol hand-grips 895-2037
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk $20; 20 Southern Gospel CD's $10 569-7734
For Sale: 8 qt. stock pot; caner with rack; stainless steel pots (4 of them) 631-6930
Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale: 7AM this Friday and Saturday at River Rock area (near Verizon and across from Old Time Pottery 895-0455
Wants: gas tank for Murray riding mower; 17-19 HP Kohler engine; For Sale: riding mower with no deck (16.5 HP) 525-1968
Wants: small cutting torch 895-8489
For Sale: oak BR suite with entertainment center; 37-inch color TV 427-9488
For Sale: 1985 Silverado pickup (red); table saw; 8N Ford tractor 563-9844
For Sale or trade for handgun: HP table; 410 .45 caliber handgun 931-575-9861
Yard Sale: 8AM-? Friday and Saturday in the Nelson Downs subdivision on Marauder Ct. 268-5031
For Sale: 2 bikes; pocket knives (50) 867-1010
Wants: .22 pistol with 6-inch barrel 848-3590