For Sale: game hens; 4 x 7-foot 2-wheel trailer; table saw 563-9844
Yard Sale: now going on today and Saturday (across from Old Time Pottery) 10 families having yard sale in the complex.
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk $20; 20 Southern Gospel CD's $10 569-7734
Wants: regular size refrigerator 692-8501
Wants: someone to trim hedge 893-9203
For Sale: 30-inch oak LR lamp; maple end table; set 2 clip on lamps 631-6930
For Sale: solid oak BR set from Haverty's with entertainment center and mattresses; 4 boar goat bucks; tool box for full-size pickup truck 895-5746
For Sale: square bales of grass hay $4 each; Wants: Central High School memorabilia from the 40s-50s 893-5643
Wants: small car for $500 589-8809
For Sale: electric wheelchair (great condition) $375; vanity with stool $70 979-4595
For Sale: pocket knife; hand grips for handgun; Home Interior items 895-2037
For Sale: 10,000 BTU new Whirlpool AC 893-5476
For Sale: 5-foot gates for a trailer; gas weed eaters 663-6598
Yard Sale: 202 Conhocken Ct. in Murfreesboro (7AM-6PM) 948-4611
For Sale: wheel chair $100 596-4013
Free: walnuts (pick them up) 896-1516