Free: 4 dogs (2 Chihuas, 1 Pomeranian-Shitzu mix) 719-7139
For Sale: turnip greens 896-2773
Yard Sale: 8AM-1PM 1711 Wiltshire Drive this Saturday 478-3616
For Sale: 2 tickets to this Saturday's UT-Alabama game 867-3328
Yard Sale: 2107 Foxdale Drive (Friday and Saturday 7AM-?) furniture, mowers and more 979-2408
For Sale: computer desk $20; portable color TV (free); upright grand piano 569-7734
For Sale: Case 450-C bulldozer, loaded; Case 18465 uniloader; Massey Fergusson box scraper 890-1540
Wants: anyone with turnip green patch who will let people pick and keep turnip greens free 895-1688
For Sale: new queensize bed set with shams $25; desk lamp $5; Sunbeam blender $12 890-0707
For Sale: camper trailer with stove; Samsung big screen TV; pocket knives 589-8809
For Sale: 124 pine cones $10; assorted new frames $15; 9 assorted size baskets $10 631-6930
Event: Spaghetti dinner at Journey Point Church (close to Bellwood School on Middle Tennessee Boulevard) this Friday 5:30-7:30PM 896-3314