An open house and formal dedication of the new sanctuary at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church is scheduled for this coming Sunday afternoon, December 2. The public is invited to attend. St. Mark's senior pastor Dr. Craig Goff says everyone is invited to the dedication and open house. Bishop Bill MacAlilly of the Tennessee Conference of the United Methodist Church will preside over the dedication ceremonies at both the 8:30 and 11:00 o’clock services that same morning. The services will begin in the current sanctuary with a procession to the new sanctuary. That same afternoon between the hours of 4 and 6, a special open house will take place with special music, games and refreshments for those in attendance. St. Mark’s United Methodist Church has been a part of the Murfreesboro landscape for more than 60 years. The church is located at 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd., just south of Lascassas Pike.