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Tennessee Right to Life Condemns Supreme Court Ruling Basic Safeguards for Women Struck Down

Jun 30, 2020 at 07:00 am by WGNS

RELEASE from TN RIGHT TO LIFE: Leaving health and lives of women and unborn children at risk, the U.S. Supreme Court Monday (6/29/20) ruled against basic regulation of abortion facilities.

"Those who believe an abortion ban will be upheld as constitutional should note the lack of votes for the most basic protections for women and children,"
said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life. The state's oldest and largest pro-life organization criticized Monday's ruling as unfair, unjust, and unwise. "Women seeking abortions have, at a minimum, the right to be fully informed in a facility inspected by the state department of health (TDOH.)" 

"Abortion profiteers care nothing about women's health much less the right to life of unborn children." 
Pro-life advocates must reevaluate our legislative strategies to determine the most effective way to save women and children from the pain and destruction of abortion decisions. 
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