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Exchange Club Elects Officers for 2020-2021

Jul 07, 2020 at 06:45 am by WGNS

Elected to serve as 2020-2021 officers for The Exchange Club of Murfreesboro:

President - Melissa Blair Wright

Immediate Past President - Mike Gann
President Elect - John Stracener
Treasurer - Brain Hongsermeier
Secretary - Rob Jacobs

Board Members: Beverly Barker, Ronnie Gandy, Phil Barkley, Charlie Pigg, Shirley Schuette, Jeff Stroop, Rick Thornton.

The Exchange Club of Murfreesboro was chartered in 1951 and continued to serve the area with programs of service in Americanism, Youth Activities, and Community Service. The national project of The Exchange Club is the prevention of child abuse and neglect.

The Exchange Club of Murfreesboro is home to three Past National Presidents of The National Exchange Club: John Hood (1980-81), Bill Ketron (1995-96), Don Wright  (2013-14) – an unusual feat for any Exchange Club in the nation.

The vision statement of the Exchange Club is “A strong America, safe communities, and unified people.” With the Mission Statement reading “Exchange, inspiring communities to become better places to live.”

ABOVE PHOTO Left - Right:

Melissa Wright, Brian Hongsermeier, John Stracener, Phil Barkley, Mike Gann, Beverly Barker, Rob Jacobs, Ronny Gandy, Charlie Pigg.

More about the Local Exchange Club:

The organization meets each Wednesday at Noon to 1:00 for lunch at Through the Grapevine located at 630 Broadmoor. Membership is open to all after review by the membership committee with a joining fee of $30.00 and monthly dues of $60.00 which includes meals. For more information on membership contact Don Wright at

Locally the Exchange Club is known for its annual Celebrity Waiters Dinner; the Healing Field Flags of Remembrance; “Proudly We Hail” recognition; is annual “One Nation Under God” Prayer Breakfast; “GiveAKidAFlagToWave” at the Christmas Parade; Freedom Shrines installed in local schools; recognition of the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, the Firefighter of the Year, and the EMS of the Year; to name a few local community activities.

For more information go to or visit the Exchange Club of Murfreesboro on Facebook.

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