(MURFREESBORO) The Murfreesboro City Schools hopes to have its new director in place when students return from Spring Break. They learn the Tennessee School Board Association's top five candidates on Tuesday evening (12/8/2020).
School Board Chair Butch Campbell was on WGNS' Truman Show and said a special meeting has been called for 6:00 o'clock this coming Tuesday evening in the Council Chambers of the Murfreesboro City Hall . . .
Campbell noted that there were approximately 25 persons asking to be considered for the position left vacant with the unexpected death of Dr. Linda Gilbert (May 20, 2020).
Former Sheriff Truman Jones, who hosts the daily broadcast on WGNS, asked if the new director would be from here . . .
The City Schools Director of Communications Lisa Trail told NewsRadio WGNS that the goal is to have a new superintendent in office when students return from Spring Break, and that would be April 2, 2021.