For Sale: 1985 Chevy Silverado red pickup; table saw; riding mower (needs work) 563-9844
For Sale: upright refrigerator-freezer; love seat 273-2460
For Sale: arm rests for Chevy truck; bicycle $20 867-1010
For Sale: antique cedar chest $350; curio cabinet (7 feet tall) 617-3586
For Sale: wood desk (30, 60 x 32-inches) $25; glide rocker with stool; living room lamp 631-6930
Wants: gently used washer and dryer ($200 or less) 556-7089
For Sale: men’s and women’s watches in wooden box $50; Sharp microwave (white) $35; electric chain saw $50 485-5673
For Sale: Montclair Leno china (1969); Mrs. MacArthur’s pocket book from Paris; jewelry from her 512-9841
For Sale: 15-hand black and white saddle gilding; Free: 3 jack donkeys (gentle) 972-3333