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Most Medical Offices Still Require Face Coverings

Mar 15, 2021 at 06:54 am by WGNS

While the mask mandate has been lifted throughout Rutherford County, many businesses and medical offices continue to ask patrons, clients and guests to continue wearing a face covering.

Medical offices know the outcome of not using face coverings and social distancing, as doctors, nurses and supporting staff have been the front line workers since day one of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The recently-announced decision by Rutherford County Mayor Bill Ketron to lift the local facial coverings does not affect the rights of individual businesses or organizations to continue to require face coverings to enter their business or facility. This is a message being echoed throughout the medical community.

Murfreesboro Medical Clinic is one of the largest medical providers in our community and announced, “Murfreesboro Medical Clinic will continue to require all persons, aged 2 and above, to wear an appropriate facial covering while in any of its facilities.  This includes all staff members, patients, visitors or vendors.  This requirement is due to our overwhelming concern for patients who are at greater risk of more severe complications from the virus due to their compromised immune systems or other underlying health risks.”

MMC also said that they encourage the members of our community to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at their first opportunity.

More in the Medical Community

At Saint Thomas Rutherford, visitor restrictions are still in effect. Staggered appointment times for patients will also continue to better protect the community and patients.

Hospitals in Rutherford County are also going to continue screening patients as they enter their facility. Screenings about a patient’s interaction with others who have had COVID-19 and if the patient has had any symptoms or the virus itself will continue as well as temperature readings.

Hospitals will also continue to have a mask mandate for patients and staff.

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