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Salvation Army ribbon cutting on May 20th in Murfreesboro

May 18, 2021 at 04:45 pm by WGNS

Thursday May 20th the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce will conduct a ribbon cutting ceremony at The Salvation Army located at 1137 West Main Street in Murfreesboro.  The Salvation Army is celebrating their new programs and services. The Ceremony is open to the community, talk and tours will be provided after the ribbon cutting ceremony. Boxed lunches from Chick-Fil-A will be available for the first 50 people.

The Salvation Army has expanded their programs and services to meet the growing needs of families and individuals in our local community. Six new staff positions have been added to provide a more comprehensive service delivery approach with a goal of moving people off the streets, into permanent housing.     

The Salvation Army’s Mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name without discrimination.

To deliver this mission locally, The Salvation Army of Murfreesboro provides the following key programs; Supportive Housing for men, woman and children, food, financial assistance, LIFNAV, Gen 2 Family Initiative, Learning Pods and Resource Hubs, Daily Community Meals, and our annual Angel Tree Christmas assistance program. Each of these programs targets a specific issue that our community faces.

Supportive Housing is a place for families and individuals in transition to call home. The new Life Navigation (LIFNAV) program provides mentoring for both Supportive Housing guest and neighbors in our community experiencing, or on the verge of homelessness. The new LIFNAV outreach specialist visits local encampments twice a week to provide meals, clothes, and basic hygiene items, giving them an opportunity to build relationships and coach them as they set and achieve smart goals, and move into permanent housing by utilizing Rapid Rehousing programs.

The 2 Gen Family Initiative program was created to step in the gap and help stop the cycle of intergenerational poverty by setting smart goals with both the children and the parents in a family.

The Salvation Army Learning Pods and Resource Hubs were developed out of a great need in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating a safe space for families to come and receive tutoring, internet access, recreation, food, financial assistance, and community. Salvation Army Learning Pods and Resource Hubs staff are currently registering local youth to participate in the upcoming activities; End of School Bash- June 28th, Summer Day Camp- June 1st to August 1st, VBS June 21st to June 25th, all to be held at the locally at the Salvation Army Located at 1137 West Main Street. Weeklong summer camp opportunities are also available at Salvation Army’s Camp Paradise Valley (near Dale Hollow Lake) the Week of June 28th to July 3rd.  

To learn more about local Salvation Army programs and services visit  

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