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Swap and Shop for Thursday

May 20, 2021 at 08:12 am by Producer

YARD SALE: Fri-Sat (8AM-2PM) at 419 Estes St. Downsizing: numerous household and Christmas items. 615-624-3884

FIND HOME: 5-year old dog 615-848-0377

FOR SALE: 2 dog houses; pet taxi $15 each; sliding shower door 615-801-6199

GARAGE SALE: Today-Sat. 8AM-4PM (1138 Knox Rd., Readyville) several families, including horse items and other collectibles 615-631-1160

WANTS: sofa, love seat or chair or chair and dinette table 615-867-8701

FOR SALE: 5 x 10-foot trailer $600 615-569-7751

FOR SALE: antique 2 seat school desks $190 615-542-1873

FOR SALE: 22 magnum Derringer (new) $325 615-225-7227

FOR SALE: 16-inch flat screen RCA TV with antenna $60 (works well) 615-524-1979

FOR SALE: set of 4 rims for Ford pickup truck (includes chrome trim rings) $75 615-542-8522

FOR SALE: boat 615-995-4614 (call or text)

FOR SALE: table and 4 chairs $200; 2 Lazy Boy recliners $250 615-653-9156


Sections: Swap and Shop