MTSU Trustees Meet 1PM Tuesday

Sep 04, 2021 at 07:46 am by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO) The Middle Tennessee State University Board of Trustees will hold a rulemaking hearing and its quarterly meeting at 1:00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 14, 2021.  It will be held in the Miller Education Center, Second Floor Meeting Room (503 E. Bell Street).

At the rulemaking hearing, the board will consider:

  • Rule 02400-07-05 Student Conduct
  • Rule 02400-07-06 Title IX Compliance Amendment
  • Rule 02400-07-07 Residential Life and Housing
  • Rule 02400-07-08 Cases Heard Pursuant to the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act

Copies of the rules are included in the meeting materials, which may be accessed at

Interested persons will have the opportunity to provide comments and present facts, views, or arguments as concerns these rules. Those wishing to participate should be present in the second-floor atrium at 1 p.m. COVID-19 precautions including social distancing and mask wearing will be implemented. Public parking is available in the lot on the southwest corner of Highland Avenue and Bell Street.

Each person will have up to five minutes to present their remarks. Written comments may be submitted by mail or email to:

            James C. Floyd, University Counsel and Secretary to the Board

            1301 E. Main Street, CAB 209

            Murfreesboro, TN 37132


Written comments should be received by 4:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 13, 2021, to ensure consideration.

The Board of Trustees meeting agenda includes reports from board committees; approval of items including minutes; election of board chair and vice chair; expedited tenure; appointment of chair of excellence; board and university policy revisions; annual report for audit and consulting services; risk assessment reporting;  board bylaws revision; review and approval of 2021 self-evaluation instrument; authorization to conduct board self-evaluation prior to the November 2021 Executive and Governance Committee meeting and adoption of a recurring schedule; permanent appointment of assistant to the president for Institutional Equity and Compliance; capital outlay project submittal; stadium debt service fee revision; corporate partnership rate; and compensation. 

For agenda details and meeting materials, to view the livestream, or for other information, go to

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