Tuesday Swap'n Shop

Feb 05, 2013 at 08:15 am by bryan

For Sale: camoflouge compound bow and case $250 617-3586

For Sale: 4 qt. Microwave roaster; 8 qt. Stock pot; set of 4 stainless steel pots 631-6930

For Sale: cherry armoire set with 3 drawer $550; night stand with marble top 653-1761

Wants: toddler bed for little girl 904-0591 (Donna or Juhkeeluh)

For Sale: 10-inch Craftsman saw $85; Pride lift chair $350; antique cherry rocker $75 893-5794

For Sale: 1962 Gravely tractor, sulky and bush hog $400 516-6816

Service converts VHS and old movies to DVD's; cassette tapes and old records to CD's 631-9445

Service: will cook Valentine dinner 977-1085

Indoor Sale: 5550 Mankin-McKnight Rd. 890-6497 (now until everything is sold); For Sale: Bill Dance boat $300

Free: firewood 896-1826

Sections: Swap and Shop