TUESDAY - FEB 01, 2022 - Swap N’ Shop

Feb 01, 2022 at 09:10 am by Producer

FOR SALE: Royal Palm Turkey and a black turkey and a ground turkey $75 a piece also have a yard swing or $50 and still have the 8 ft tall stainless steel shelves for $30 and would like to pick up any scrap metal for free - CALL 615-956-4153         

FOR SALE:  “Upwalker”. This Walker allows the user to stand upright while walking. Much better than the old original Walker. For info call 615-556-3466     

 FOR SALE: Looking to buy a good used 26 to 30 ft camper trailer livable call 615-956-4153        

FOR SALE:  “Upwalker”. This Walker allows the user to stand upright while walking. Much better than the old original Walker. For info call 615-556-3466    

FOR SALE: 11 Guineas for sale.  10 of them are hens and 1 is a rooster.    $25. each.  Feeders and waterers also.  Call 615-896-5986  

FREE: Free Firewood -  Easy graveled drive to cut - up and load.   Call 615-545-3911.

FOR SALE: Very cool mid-century modern mirror. Just over 42-inches tall and 21-inches wide. Solid wood frame.M’boro.  $75. Call 615-479-8765

FOR SALE: Oval End Table / made of wood - $50 Or best offer. M'boro area. Text me your number or questions - will call you back. 615-609-7858

FOR SALE: Dark brown small wood kitchen table with two matching sturdy chairs asking $50. Call  615-524-1979  

FOR SALE: Have 10 buff orpington chickens for sale orange in color call or text 615-785 5288

FOR SALE: Old 3 prong forks (10 total), Perfect for flipping pork chops! $60. Call 931-551-6620 

FOR SALE:  Restoration project. - Antique outdoor metal / aluminum bench w/ pie crust pattern. $375. Call 615-481-2372 - Needs painting 

FOR SALE: Solid Wood Child's Daybed on casters - Adjustable Height - 26.5” X 50" - Must pick up - Cason Lane area. ONLY $25. No Texts - Call Only at 931-629-7783

FOR SALE: Blueridge acoustic electric guitar model br40  with soft case $450.Graco wood highchair $50 call or text 615-987-2175

FOR SALE: ANTIQUE child's metal fireman toy assembly prop (( Cast Metal )) Over 50-years old - - $25 In Murfreesboro, call / text 843-321-6879

FOR SALE:  ANTIQUE inkwell and quill pen feather Bradley & Hubbard Mfg . Co. - $35 - In Murfreesboro - Call/text 843-321-6879

FOR SALE: " Upwalker". This Walker is seen on TV. This brand sells for $809. Will discount to sell. 615-556-3466                    

FOR SALE: Security camera system for outside of home. System is 4 years old, has everything you need to set up your security system,  and is in great condition.  We paid  $1,500 and SELLING for $500. Cash only.  Local pickup in Murfreesboro or Smyrna only. Call/ text 615-869-8469             

FOR SALE: 1929 Philco radio model 86 -and a Highboy 551-cabinet radio. Beautiful solid cherry Very Good shape! Best offer - Calls only at 615-631-7349.     
FOR SALE: An egg Incubator for sale* Holds 42 eggs.  Auto rotator.  Humidifier.    $75. Call 615-890-1540.

Sections: Swap and Shop