Swap and Shop for Tuesday

Feb 12, 2013 at 08:12 am by bryan

 For Sale: Black Les Paul guitar with a hard case and an amp and electronic tuner for $900 (1999 model) and WANT TO BUY an umbrella and a base for a patio table – 617-3586

For sale: Heavy duty workbench that is 10' long for $175 – and selling a lawnmower cart with a 2” ball – 603-5315

For Sale: 2003 Ford Expedition and a 7pc. Dining room set 578-7991

For Sale: 4qt microwave roaster for $10 and a crock pot for $20 and stainless steel pots for $50 – 631-6930

House for sale with 3-bedrooms and a fenced in yard and selling furniture 556-6320 – 1215 Rutherford St.

For Sale: Alladdin Kerosene Heater and large drum containers for Kerosene for $75 (for all) and need someone to teach me how to upolster furniture for a fair price. Also want a metal park bench – 848-0463

For Sale: Two window AC units that work great! Dorm type fridge (small) for $25 – 615-556-7089

For Sale: Antique Dr. Pepper Machine for $400 and a rear bumper for a truck for $50 and a stand up video game machine for $225 and a truck tool box for $125 – 809-5359

Two lots at Roselawn 796-9898

For Sale; Couch and love seat - $100 for both 635-3805

For Sale: clothes dryer for $150 and WANT a tiller – 692-4631

For Sale: 24' swimming pool pim and filter $100 – 485-0398

For Sale: Craftsman 10” bench saw that is in good shape for $85 and a Pride lift chair for $325 663-7788

WANTED: Chainsaw and an air compressor – call me! 828-8258

For Sale: BIKES for girls and boys – call me today at 867-1010

Sections: Swap and Shop