For Sale: 1999 Gibson Les Paul Guitar – comes with an amp and more for $900 and a 19” TV and a WW2 airplane model 617-3586
For Sale: White table clothes in excellent condition (a dozen) for $10 each or $100 for all 12 – also have Kerosene heaters for $75 for several, and WANT help learning how to do upolstry 848-0463
For Sale: Lift Chair that is tan in color for $140 – call 569-0933
For Sale; Two 350 Chevy Motors and a Ford Tractor and a small garden tractor 563-9844
For Sale; 104 8-oz hot or cold cups, a classis chrome gas light, aluminum salt and pepper shakers for $10 – call me at 631-6930
WANT WORK TO DO – will sit with elderly – 615-907-0555
For Sale: Broyhill dining room table and a couch for $75 – call 615-578-7991
For Sale: 11-sections of privacy fence with posts for $150 – 308-1082
WILL Convert VHS tapes to DVD or record albulms to CD and music tapes to CD 631-9445
For Sale: 2-lots in Roselawn Cemetry 796-9898