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Free Comic Books and Fun Activities on May 7th in Murfreesboro

Apr 19, 2022 at 12:20 pm by WGNS

Note: It is not known or being released - exactly what comic books will be on hand. Background: Linebaugh Library and the Civic Plaza.

For comic book lovers both young and old, a FREE comic book giveaway will take place at all Rutherford County Library branch locations on May 7th, which happens to be the day after the new Marvel Studios’ Dr. Strange movie hits theaters…

That was Garrett Crowell at the Linebaugh Library.

WGNS asked Crowell how many comic books were on hand to be given away on Saturday May the 7th…

Again, you can pick-up FREE comic books while they last at any of the Rutherford County Library locations on Saturday, May 7th between 10AM and 4PM. Keep in mind, most of the activities scheduled on the 7th will take place at the main library branch location (Linebaugh Library) at the intersection of South Church and Vine Street’s.

Scroll down for locations of the Rutherford County Library System...



Library - Continued...

Rutherford County Library System locations:

1. Linebaugh Public Library (Main Branch):
105 W Vine St, Murfreesboro, TN, US, 37130

2. Smyrna Public Library:
400 Enon Springs Rd W, Smyrna, TN, US, 37167

3. MGL (Myrtle Glanton Lord) Public Library:
521 Mercury Blvd, Murfreesboro, TN, US, 37130

4.  Eagleville Bicentennial Public Library:
317 Old Hwy 99, Eagleville, TN, US, 37060

5. Technology Engagement Center (TEC):
306 Minerva Dr. Murfreesboro, TN 37130

Visit the Rutherford County Library System online HERE.


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