For Sale: bedroom set (full bed; dresser, chest) $200; Les Paul Gibson guitar, small amp $950; Gibson acoustic 617-3586
For Sale: short bed truck cover 569-0933
For Sale: 104 8 oz. Cups $5; chrome gas light $35; set of aluminum milk can salt-pepper shakers 631-6930
For Sale: Broyhill DR table and chairs; foam springs for bed; Ford Expedition 578-7991
For Sale: 2 lots at Roselawn 796-9898
Wants: dependable 4 door car, automatic, heat and air in the $1,000-$1,500 range 618-0476
For Sale: 4 burner kerosene stove from 1920's; Remington deer rifle with scope 663-3077
Garage Sale: 1138 Knox Rd. 8AM-4PM on Friday and Saturday (antiques, clothes, furniture, toys) 563-3027
For Sale: 1-12 hens; small garden tractor with 4 accessories; TV digital converter 563-9844
Event: benefit sing 1st Free Methodist Church (1819 Bradyville Rd.) 5PM Saturday, chili, hotdogs and many groups singing
For Sale: 35-foot 3 axel 1985 Airstream trailer $8,000; hyrdaulic lift gate $1,000 895-3160
For Sale: clothes dryer $125 692-4631