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Recent expungement clinic in Rutherford County helped those who made mistakes 10 to 20-years ago

Jun 30, 2022 at 04:03 pm by WGNS

(Rutherford County, TN) An expungement clinic was held earlier this week in Rutherford County, as a way to help individuals wanting to have past criminal convictions removed from their record... That was State Representative Mike Sparks who helped organize the event. Sparks said that removing old charges from someones record can change a persons direction in life... 


The expungement clinic was held this past Wednesday at Parkway Baptist Church in Smyrna, Tennessee. There, volunteers from the Belmont College of Law and members of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity worked together, to help erase the result of bad decisions that were in some cases made 15 to 20-years ago. Removing charges that are eligible to be removed, can open new doors for individuals. Sparks said that expunging past charges also gives employers a larger pool of potential employees.

The mobile American Job Center was also onsite to work with job seekers. Representatives from the state’s new Tennessee Office of Reentry were available to provide resources to justice involved individuals.

This event is coordinated in conjunction with Rep. Mike Sparks, the Justice for All of Tennessee initiative, Belmont College of Law, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and the Rutherford County Court Clerk.  Additional information on the expungement clinic can be found here.

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