For Sale: aluminum milk can salt-pepper shakers; brown metal chairs (4); hutch with glass dooors $300 631-6930
Service: will convert VHS tapes to DVD and does graphic work on it for you; convert cassettes to CD's; convert LP's to CD's (Jim) 631-9445 6am-6pm.
Service: will work for elderly, disabled or do farm work 931-637-5864
Wants: basketball goal; canning jars (leave message) 396-8073
For Sale: 2007 Honda 450-R; truck tool box 653-1061
Help: lost car keys at Wal Mart gas station on Rutherford Blvd. ($50 award) 849-8490
For Sale: kerosene heater withcontainers $75;white professional table cloth; large family 3-room tent, sleeps 10-12 $80 848-0463
For Sale: 4 lots at Roselawn 274-6949
For Sale: automatic baby swing $15; bench saw (10-inch) $85 893-5794