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UPDATE: Skatepark and BMX Pump-track to be Built in Murfreesboro

Oct 05, 2022 at 12:14 pm by WGNS News

(MURFREESBORO, TN) The City of Murfreesboro is in the planning stages of building a skatepark and BMX pump-track. Thomas Laird with the Parks and Rec Department told WGNS a design workshop will take place on Thursday, October 13th…

A pump-track is for BMX riders and consists of a circular loop with rollers or hills, mixed with berms. When the bicycle rider rides correctly on the track, no pedaling or minimum pedaling is required to maintain momentum.


Current plans call for the BMX course and skatepark to be built in Old Fort Park. Within the park, there is an older softball practice field that will likely be utilized for the future endeavor. The field already has a parking lot that can be utilized by guest visiting Murfreesboro to skate or ride.

Murfreesboro is working with Griggs & Maloney Engineering, Planning & Environmental Consulting and Newline Skateparks to design and build the skatepark and BMX track. A timeline on the start and completion date has not been set.

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