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Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office Holds Mock Chemical Spill Drill

Oct 10, 2022 at 11:21 am by WGNS Radio News

A mock drill involving a chemical leak in the Central Magnet School cafeteria prompted the school to evacuate students to the soccer field Tuesday.

Principal Dr. John Ash initially placed the school on a Code Red where students cleared the hallway and teachers closed the doors.
Moments later, he and Assistant Principal Michelle Huffman called a code yellow to evacuate students outside while firefighters and paramedics handled the leak.
Administrators talked about closing school for the day, including notifying parents to pick up children, bus drivers to transport children and help students who drove to school to retrieve their car keys.
SRO Sgt. Scott Culp of Central Magnet School developed the scenario for SROs at every Rutherford County school to use in the fall drill. SROs also conduct safety drills each spring.
The drill included a scenario to evacuate the students and close the schools during the middle of the day. Administrators, teachers and SROs discussed SROs, administrators and teachers the schools were scheduled to discuss the drill last week during an exercise on the evacuation and response.
Dr. Ash said the drill went well.
“We will discuss improvements, what went well and how we can be better,” Ash said. “We appreciate the support of the SROs.”
Huffman communicated with the students.
“You’ve done a great job with this drill,” Huffman said. “It’s a great day to be a tiger.”
Culp said the students responded well.
“I think the kids take drills seriously most of the time because it’s a reality,” Culp said. “They’ve always had drills since pre-kindergarten.”
Teachers did a great job keeping the student together. Many teachers carried their safety manuals outside.
“Everyone understands the importance,” Culp said.Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office Holds Mock Chemical Spill Drill 
A mock drill involving a chemical leak in the Central Magnet School cafeteria prompted the school to evacuate students to the soccer field Tuesday.
Principal Dr. John Ash initially placed the school on a Code Red where students cleared the hallway and teachers closed the doors.
Moments later, he and Assistant Principal Michelle Huffman called a code yellow to evacuate students outside while firefighters and paramedics handled the leak.
Administrators talked about closing school for the day, including notifying parents to pick up children, bus drivers to transport children and help students who drove to school to retrieve their car keys.
SRO Sgt. Scott Culp of Central Magnet School developed the scenario for SROs at every Rutherford County school to use in the fall drill. SROs also conduct safety drills each spring.
The drill included a scenario to evacuate the students and close the schools during the middle of the day. Administrators, teachers and SROs discussed SROs, administrators and teachers the schools were scheduled to discuss the drill last week during an exercise on the evacuation and response.
Dr. Ash said the drill went well.
“We will discuss improvements, what went well and how we can be better,” Ash said. “We appreciate the support of the SROs.”
Huffman communicated with the students.
“You’ve done a great job with this drill,” Huffman said. “It’s a great day to be a tiger.”
Culp said the students responded well.
“I think the kids take drills seriously most of the time because it’s a reality,” Culp said. “They’ve always had drills since pre-kindergarten.”
Teachers did a great job keeping the student together. Many teachers carried their safety manuals outside.
“Everyone understands the importance,” Culp said.
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