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UPDATE: Rutherford County Schools have Choice School Opportunities for Local Students

Jan 17, 2023 at 06:46 pm by WGNS News

Above: Choice School’s Coordinator Dr. Caitlin Bullard

(RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TENN) The Rutherford County School System has a total of 26 Pre-K through 12th Grade Choice School’s for eligible students. Choice School’s Coordinator Dr. Caitlin Bullard told WGNS News… There are 5-different types of Choice School’s available… The Choice School's application process began on Dec. 1, 2022 and runs up until January 31, 2023 (01/31/2023). For more details about CHOICE School Opportunities, click HERE. Or, to see the Choice School’s Guide, click HERE

Local Schools and the Local Workforce - Tying education to the current needs of the local workforce is important in communities throughout the state. To fulfill that need in Rutherford County, the schools have an active and working relationship with the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce As Rutherford County grows by leaps and bounds, so do the number of schools and school students. Over the past 12-years, the Rutherford County Schools have added more than 24,000 students. Today, there are approximately 50,500 students attending a Rutherford County School.



On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, the Rutherford County Schools emailed parents the following information: 

"This is James Evans with Rutherford County Schools, and we have an important reminder for you. We want to ensure that all parents know that the first round of School Choice lottery applications is under way and will close on Jan. 31, which is two weeks from today. These are for requests for the 2023-2024 school year, which begins in August. 

Jan. 31 will be the final deadline for all academic magnet programs and the priority deadline for all Open Choice programs. At that time, a lottery will be conducted for any Open Choice Schools with more applicants than available seats. Families who have applied to a traditional Open Choice school can expect to receive an admissions decision by Feb. 10 and will be notified through email and an update in their Scribbles Family Dashboard. 

Applicants to Central Magnet School, Homer Pittard Campus School, McFadden School of Excellence, Smyrna High School’s Cambridge program, and Oakland High School’s International Baccalaureate program can expect to receive a letter notifying them of their decision by Feb. 24. Families who are offered admissions to these programs will have the opportunity to accept their seat using the Scribbles Family Dashboard beginning March 1. Applicants to Thurman Francis Arts Academy can expect to receive a letter during the week of March 10 and will be able to accept their seats using Scribbles the following week. 

Rutherford County Virtual School and Holloway High School will continue to communicate with applicants and accept students on a rolling basis for the upcoming school year, as seats are available. All Open Choice and traditional zoned schools with seats remaining after Jan. 31 will continue to accept applications until April 1. 

To learn more about which schools have available seats and to complete an application, please visit our website at"

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