For Sale: white metal patio table, it has place for umbrella $100 617-3586
Service: will sit with elderly or children 931-637-5864
For Sale: 42-inch riding mower $300; fresh country eggs $1.50 per dozen 556-8477
For Sale: Gold Star microwave with turntable $40; land-line phone $10; waffle iron $7 890-0707
For Sale: Sharpe microwave $35 (2.5 years old) 895-7954
Lost Dog: Sunday Old Nashville Highway on Cooper Drive Chow-Shepherd mix with orange collar 569-0933
For Sale: exercise chair; treadmill; 1993 GMC pickup $900 809-9386
For Sale: remodeling items for kitchen and bath; 16 x 20 metal storage building 896-5986
For Sale: bicycles 867-1010