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The Polar Bear Plunge is This Saturday in Murfreesboro

Jan 02, 2023 at 01:21 pm by WGNS News

The annual Polar Bear Plunge will take place this Saturday (January 7, 2023) at the SportsCom outdoor pool in Murfreesboro. While temperatures 3-weeks-ago took a nose dive into the single digits and Rutherford County recorded a negative 20-degree windchill, the weather on January 7th will be quite a bit milder. 

On Friday night leading into Saturday morning, the low will reach 29-degrees. Saturday’s high is expected to hit a balmy 52-degrees under partly sunny skies... That was Assistant Parks and Rec. Director Thomas Laird.


Funds raised at the 2023 Polar Bear Plunge will help local athletes that participate in the Special Olympics… The Arctic polar bear plunging will get underway at 10 AM this Saturday, January 7th. Prior to the chilly dip in the outdoor pool at SportsCom, pre-event excitement will start at 8:30 thisaturday morning with music, inflatables, a costume contest and more! Murfreesboro has held the annual Polar Bear Plunge at SportsCom for the past 20-years.

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