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City of Murfreesboro to Re-Open Murfree Spring Wetland Boardwalk after Repairs are Completed

Apr 11, 2023 at 05:24 pm by WGNS News

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — The Murfreesboro City Council will meet in a Regular Workshop meeting at 11:30 a.m. this Wednesday morning, April 12, 2023.


At the meeting, council members will discuss the Discovery Center Boardwalk, which is in need of repairs. In the early 2000's, the Corps of Engineering constructed a boardwalk through the wetlands that starts at the Discovery Center Children's Museum. The boardwalk meanders through the swamp like waters of Murfree Spring, past the WGNS Radio Tower and then loops back around to the museum. After the boardwalk was built, the city took over the responsibility of maintaining the walkway. Over the past 20-plus years, the city realized that the boardwalk suffered substantial damage due to lateral movement. As a result, the walkway had to be shutdown to visitors and nature lovers. To fix the problems, the city will install cross bracing to each of the boardwalks piers throughout the wetland. The project will cost about $300-thousand.

Another item on the agenda focuses on a local road project. The council will discuss transferring funds from 2021 unallocated bond premium proceeds to the Community Investment Program, to pay for an already approved right-of-way agreement to realign Molloy Lane. A total of $70-thousand will be used from the account to pay City Church, a local non-profit organization. Evidently, the City of Murfreesboro is purchasing a portion of their land, because Molloy Lane will cut through the property.

The Wednesday Workshop will be at the Municipal Airport Business Center, in the Community Room (1930 Memorial Blvd). It will begin at 11:30 Wednesday morning. The full agenda is viewable on the City website HERE.

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