WANTED: Would like to buy a good used - reasonably priced treadmill 629-201-0455
FOR SALE: fresh strawberries—YOU pick them! Call and set a picking time. 615-533-9839
FOR SALE: Band saw that works good for $50. Set of Ramps for a Small Trailer $40 615-429-1365
FOR SALE: 2005 Nissan Titan pickup truck, jet black color, 131K miles, rear wheel drive, $10,000 615-785-8506
FREE: FREE LG Atlantis deluxe electric dryer (needs some work) 615-305-0647
FOR SALE: 393 square feet of smooth, round faced, 8-foot X 6-inch cedar boards, $2,000 615-478-4851
FOR SALE: Martin D-18 acoustic guitar with hardshell case, $2,100 615-987-2175.
FOR SALE: 12 X 20-ft. cabin $4,500; lambs, ewes and pigs 931-808-5644