More Services Resume at MMC

May 14, 2023 at 08:56 pm by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO) After being the victim of a criminal cyber attack, more services at Murfreesboro Medical Clinic (MMC) re-open. 

Starting Monday (May 15, 2023)

The following will re-open on Monday (5/15/2023) at Murfreesboro Medical Center and SurgiCenter.
  • Laboratory Services will resume normal hours and operations at our Garrison Drive and South Church locations.
  • Radiology will also resume normal operations with scheduled appointments for Monday at our Garrison Drive location.
  • For those that had a laboratory or radiology appointment cancelled in the last two weeks, you will be contacted to reschedule the appointment.

The debilitating attack took place on April 22, 2023 and was described by MMC personnel as a “sophisticated criminal cyberattack.”

Joey Peay, CEO of MMC, states: “Preserving sensitive patient and employee information is of the utmost importance to MMC, but like so many other organizations around the country and despite its best efforts, MMC has found itself as the target of criminals attempting to steal personal or company data.”

CEO Peay explained that the way MMC's computer system is set-up, none of the patient's or employee's credit card or personal information was hacked. 

He concluded with, "Thank you for your patience!"

MMC rapidly initiated an emergency shut down of their network to limit the spread of the attack within their systems and their technology partners. Since that time, MMC reports they have been working with law enforcement agencies and third-party experts to identify the source and scope of the attack in order to restore normal clinic operations. MMC said their first priority was to contain the incident and protect patients and employees.

In conjunction with law enforcement, MMC continues to investigate the incident while also taking action on their infrastructure to, hopefully, prevent any further attacks.

With the quick detection by MMC technology experts, officials believe they have been able to limit the impact of this criminal attack.  MMC is currently in the process of restoring their systems safely with enhanced security features and controls. 

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