FOR SALE: Tomatoes and Collard Green 615-896-2773
WANTED: Used push mower 615-913-2408
FOR SALE: Tomatoes ready for canning or eating. $ 2 lb. Also have Cayenne and Jalapeno Peppers and other vegetables. CALL 615-504-9598
FOR SALE :Brown Wooden bookshelf, folding type, brass colored hinges, around 4 1/2 feet tall, 4 shelves. Excellent condition. $40. 615-713-6286
WANTED: A place to rent, either 2 or 3-bedroom. Call or text me at 615-840-1517
FOR SALE: Large trailer $800 - Call 615-439-7520
FOR SALE: Chocolate lab puppies 615-691-0463
FOR SALE: Beretta 20 Ga. over/under shotgun. Model S686 3" chamber, 26" barrel. Modified over Improved cylinder. Beautiful silver engraving, gorgeous wood stock. Excellent condition. Has been fired only once. $1,200.00 phone or text 423-238-4962
FOR SALE: Remington 308 model 742, Deer rifle. Redfield 6X scope $400 obo - Call or text 423-238-4962