Murfreesboro Police Chief Michael Bowen and Capt. Clayton Williams
- Back to school time in about a week--traffic safety information
- Hiring school crossing guards (contact Murfreesboro Police)
- How do you get "traffic calming humps" like Alexander Blvd., community near the airport?
- Motorcycles are using bike lanes to pass cars, some also drive on the center LINE to pass.
- "Flashing Yellow Caution" lights were being tested on two Lytle St. signals. Can that be done on other signals, especially on busier roads?
- Citizens Police Academy August Class is now Sgt. Amy Denton for information about the next class. Email her at
- Teen Citizens Police Academy will be scheduled when school opens (again, contact Sgt. Denton)
- DRUG DROP OFF at Murfreesboro Police (1004 N. Highland Ave.) no questions asked.
- Help in learning how to properly install children's safety seats, get with MPD