MURFREESBORO, TN - Murfreesboro is listed as the 101st most relaxed city in the country, or at least the 101st most relaxed city out of a list of 200-cities nationwide. In Tennessee, the 'Boro is listed as THE most relaxed city.
Some of the good vibes that landed Murfreesboro at the top of the relaxing list… it had a high score in the financial category, which was called "Financial Well Being." Murfreesboro also ranked well for having fewer social stressors than other areas. The city also has less environmental stressors than other communities. Murfreesboro also had around 76% fewer work stressors than other towns.
To get Murfreesboro's relaxed status, LawnStarter took a look at depression rates, the average hours worked during a day, access to massage therapists and more.
If Murfreesboro ranked as the most relaxed city out of all large cities in the Volunteer State with 100-thousand residents or more residents, then what cities ranked below Murfreesboro? Below is the list:
- Murfreesboro - Most Relaxed
- Nashville - Second Most Relaxed
- Chattanooga - Right in the Middle of Relaxing
- Knoxville - Less Relaxed
- Clarksville - Not as Relaxed
- Memphis - Not Relaxing
Nationwide, the most relaxed city in the country is Sunnyvale, California, followed by San Francisco. Third on the relaxing city list is Alexandria, Virginia.
One stark trend emerged from our ranking: Relaxation follows the money — literally with body movement. Our best performers include high-income California cities and a handful of wealthy suburbs like Alexandria, Virginia, Naperville, Illinois, and Overland Park, Kansas, that also are in top physical form.
The opposite is true of many of the worst cities for relaxation. Financial insecurity appears to hinder lower-income Southern cities like Shreveport, Louisiana, Jackson, Mississippi, and Memphis, Tennessee, along with Midwestern city Cleveland, from catching a break. Detroit finished last overall. Over the past 60 years, Motor City has struggled to recover from steep population and economic declines.