Segment #1: Middle Point Landfill with General Manager Miike Classen:
- Tells about the OPEN HOUSES throughout the county to discuss Middle Point Landfill's desired areas of service. The next public gathering will be from 5:00 to 7:00PM Wednesday evening (9/13/2023) at Oaklands Mansion (900 N. Maney Ave.). In addition to the opportunity to ask Republic Services about the landfill, recycling and waste, there will be food trucks and games.
- Discussion of Republic Services about last week's request from the courts.
- Project underway now to place the gas run-off from Middle Point into a direct pipeline to ATMOS Energy. This will provide heat for 80-thousand homes yearly.
Segment #2: St. Clair Senior Center with SUPPORT GROUPS with Wellness Coordinator Laura Grissom
- CBS News just announced a gene-related correlation between Parkinson's Disease and dimensia patients.
- Importance of exercising (or just moving)--so very important.
- St. Clair Senior Center's GROUP SUPPORT programs for Parkinson's, Alzheimer's Disease, Grief, Widows and now Macular Degeneration.
- Sympdoms of Parkinson's disease:
1. tremors that afftect the face, jaw, legs, arms and limbs
2. slow, stiff walking
3. trouble maintaining balance
4. problems with coordination
5. stiff feeling in arms, legs and torso area
6. changes in handwriting
- Parkinson's symptons will eventually worsen:
1. depression
2. gastrointestinal problems (like constipation)
3. problems with urination
4. trouble chewing and swallowing food
5. memory loss
6. hallucinations
7. dementia
8. weight loss