Veterans Day On Murfreesboro Square: WGNS let's you WATCH it Friday Morning 11AM LIVE!

Nov 09, 2023 at 02:05 pm by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO) The 27th Annual Veterans Day Tribute will be this Friday morning (11/10/2023) at 11:00 o'clock on the east side of the Historic Rutherford County Courthouse. WGNS is trying something new for those who can not be there to see the program, the public can watch it "live" on Facebook. But you don't have to be on Facebook to watch it. Just use the link below and you'll see the video at the time of the event.


In addition to being able to watch and hear Murfreesboro's Veterans Day Tribute "live, it will also be stored (picture and sound) on the WGNS website for you to hear and see at a time that fits your schedule. 

GUEST SPEAKER: Chaplain Newsom 

Chaplain Ernest B. Newsom, retired Army, is the guest speaker. He served as a Dental assistant, Medic and social psychiatric assistant, and was later commissioned Navy LT., serving for 19 yrs. as Navy Chaplain. He is the 7th African-American in the Unted States to obtain the rank of NAVY CAPTAIN (06=full colonel) and first in state of Tennessee. 

Honoring Elsie Stem

The late Mrs. Elsie Stem will also be honored this year. She started Murfreesboro's VTERANS DAY TRIBUTE over 27-years ago.


Mrs. Stem coordinated Murfreesboro's Veterans Day program from 1996 through 2011. That's 15-years of dedication. 

 Myra Simons kept the dream alive for the next 7-years. Her reign was 2012-2019.

Barbara Smith Pitto continues that tradition taking the reigns in 2020.   

For more information, visit

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