FREE: Golden Retriever puppies (1 male, 1 female), moving overseas and need a forever home for them 312-932-7651
WANTS: Office chair 615-713-6286
FOR SALE: 2009 BMW 328i 2-door coupe, $7,000 931-619-0718
FOR SALE: Cattle shute loader 21 foot, all galvanized steel, $500 (Will load) 615-691-0148
FOR SALE: upright piano $75 615-995-4616
FOR SALE: 2004 Chrysler Sebring (4-door, 4-cylinder) $400 cash 615-396-7889
FOR SALE: Already cut oak and hickory firewood--take all you can haul $15 615-545-3911.
FOR SALE: Collection of ball cards and coins 931-273-3417
WANTS: good used car, will pay around $2,000 615-318-7359