For Sale: project 5th wheel camper (or trade for truck); 5th wheel hitch, roll-top desk 962-7136
For Sale: Desk top computer $50; electric dryer $50; portable basketball goal $50 971-8607 (712 East St.)
For Sale: mechanic's large toolbox $150; baby bed (wood) $100; baby swing with batteries 578-7991
Yard Sale: now until 5PM 115 Juliet Ave. (near Bud's Tire): roll top desk, mower, household items 556-7089
For Sale: 8N Ford tractor; 1985 Silverado pickup; truck toolbox 618-5438
For Sale: hospital bed 596-8201
Yard Sale: This Saturday from 7AM-1PM 2715 Nugget Ct. (off Gold Valley Dr.) 631-4206
Wants: someone to plow garden in Rockvale area 895-8824
washing machine $200; Air Condition $195 10,000 BTU 893-5476