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Rutherford County Schools: Special Courses, Graduation Contract, and New Positions Proposal

Feb 12, 2024 at 01:24 pm by Chandelar Williams

Rutherford County, TN - The Instruction Department is seeking permission to apply for special course credits, following the guidelines outlined in Rule 0520-1-3-.05-2a. These credits would allow Rutherford County High Schools to offer unique courses, including new ones like Sports Officiating and Leadership, as well as renewals like Critical Thinking and Writing Lab.
Additionally, they're looking to finalize a graduation contract with Middle Tennessee State University, based on the approved 2023-2024 Rutherford County Schools Graduation Calendar.
Furthermore, in anticipation of the upcoming job fair on February 24th, the Curriculum and Instruction team is eager to secure approval to post new certified positions for the 2024-2025 school year, especially in areas that are challenging to fill. These positions would be funded through additional TISA revenue, driven by a surge in student enrollment during the 2023-2024 school year. Specifically, ESL positions are vital to meet the required 1:35 teacher-to-student ratio mandated by both the Tennessee State Board of Education and Tennessee Department of Education
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