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City opening Gateway Blvd. Extension to Robert Rose Drive Feb. 20

Feb 12, 2024 at 08:13 pm by WGNS News

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — The City of Murfreesboro is set to open the new $6.84 million Gateway Blvd. Extension to Robert Rose Drive. The extension will officially open to traffic Tuesday, Feb. 20, with traffic controls in-place.

A new traffic signal at Robert Rose Dr. and Gateway Blvd. was turned on and put in “flash” operations at 9:30 a.m., Feb. 12, 2024, The signal will flash for a week and will be turned on and put in full operation Tuesday, Feb. 20.


The extension offers motorists an alternative route to Robert Rose and helps facilitate emergency traffic around the medical offices and Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital. The new roadway will navigate behind the Oaks Shopping Center between the West Fork Stones River.

“The new extension will ease access to Robert Rose and the growing Medical Center Parkway traffic in Murfreesboro,” said Public Infrastructure Executive Director Chris Griffith. “It is also expected to help reduce traffic on Thompson Lane.” 

The Gateway Blvd. Extension project started design in 2022 with construction in 2023. It provides a new two-lane roadway with pedestrian sidewalks so pedestrians can enjoy the beautiful view of Stones River.

The project was built totally by City funds as part of the Murfreesboro 2040 Major Transportation Plan. The full cost of the project was approximately $6.84 million with the following details:

  • Preliminary Engineering                          $185,000
  • Right of Row acquisition                          $4.3 million
  • Construction Engineering Inspection        $50,000
  • Construction                                          $2.3 million
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