Swap and Shop for Friday

Apr 19, 2013 at 08:58 am by bryan

 For Sale: Two concrete lions and a blackbear for $200 and civil ware artifacts and a 1786 coin for $75 – 617-3586

For Sale: Hospital Bed 586-6815

For Sale: a bar and two stools and also a safe 865-964-8763

For Sale: TOOLS, ladders, hammers, levels, extension chords, lights 568-9006

For Sale: Baby Crib in good shape and a car top carrier – luggage carrier and a tool box - 578-7991

For Sale: Troy Bilt Mower and a 3000 Diesel Ford Tractor 427-9488

WANTED: Air Mattress – and want old vinyl records – 569-7734

For Sale: Riding Mower and a Ford Tractor and a Ginny Donkey 618-5438

For Sale: Ammunition and a tool box – 663-3077

For SalE: Microwave for $25 and a toaster oven for $10 – 890-0707

For Sale: Titans Pool Table and a table with two high back chairs and a Titans Rug 785-4279

Sections: Swap and Shop