Law and Order in Murfreesboro with Police Chief Michael Bowen, Capt. Clayton Williams and PIO Larry Flowers.
- UPDATE on the "real time" Crime Center.
- At this time, the biggest crimes in Murfreesboro deal with automobiles (vehicle thefts, burglaries--many guns stolen).
- What happened to the MURFREESBORO POLICE FaceBook page? Larry Flowers explains what FaceBook told him.
- Listener asks about sod company dropping dirt on Thompson Lane near Sulphur Springs. The called said there was about 6-inches of mud on the roadway and wondered if there was anything that could be done?
- Comments from local resident about pot holes that are still in the roads.
- Concerns about bushes growing into line-of-sight and making it difficult to safely pull from a side road into a major thorofare.