FOR SALE: John Deere 23HP $800; Husqavarna GTH 52XLS, 24HP, $2,300 (40-hrs.) 615-631-2867
FOR SALE: 2 pressure washers (1 electric, 1 gas) 615-653-9156
FOR SALE: 2009 Nissan Rogue $1500 needs new battery text for more information 629-543-8257
WANTS: old Gravely lawn and garden equipment 615-439-7293
FOR SALE: Ford F-150 Pickup Truck with new tires and toolbox; cemetery plot 931-310-5747
FOR SALE: electric chainsaw, electric edger (both $30 each) 615-987-6371
FOR SALE: 2010 Nissan Altima, 109K miles, new transmission, $5,000 615-427-8672
FREE: 12-month old Blue Healer puppy 615-653-1249