FOR SALE: Tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers; tame blackberries $5/qt. 615-504-9598
FOR SALE: Organ (roll top keyboard cover) $1,500, Bathroom Vanity - Call 931-357-7089
FOR SALE: Lazy Boy sleeper sofa $10 615-330-1273
FOR SALE: 2 male Maltese puppies (8 weeks old with 1st shots) 931-373-2741
FOR SALE: Fainting Baby Goats, males and females TEXT ME at 615-512-2262
FOR SALE: Cemetery Plot at Evergreen Cemetery $1,200 931-310-5747
FOR SALE: Pallet Wood, has been disassembled - LOTS Of Pallet Wood, already de-nailed and selling for .10-cents per plank - Call 615-900-9562