Yard Sale: 115 Juliette (off Old Woodbury Hwy., near Bud's Tire) now-4PM 556-7089
Garage Sale: 1138 Knox Rd., turn toward Bradyville on flashing light on John Bragg Highway today-Saturday 8AM-4PM 631-1160.
For Sale: tricycle for a special needs person $500 306-4613
For Sale: 1985 Chevy 1-ton flatbed truck $3,000; Ford tractor 828-8194
Service: will do odd jobs 931-619-2456
For Sale: wooden baby bed $100; car top carrier (like new) $100; mechanics 8-drawer chest tool box $150 578-7991
For Sale: Android 7-inch tablet $80 306-4613
Yard Sale: 954 Mandolay Way (near VA, off Compton Rd.) 838-5757
Wants: exercise bike 525-6379
For Sale: Ashley sectional sofa; DR table and 2 ice cream chairs; lamps 887-3342
For Sale: bicycles (26-inch) 867-1010
For Sale: air conditioner, 10K BTU, $200; breakfast table with 3 chairs 893-9476
Prayer On Square: noon today (National Day of Prayer)