ESTATE SALE: 1807 Oxford Drive September 27 & 28 from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm House full of items. No early birds : 615-584-2689
FOR SALE: Muscovy Ducks - will trade for chickens or ? Selling old ‘timey multiplying onions Call 615-848-3590
FOR SALE: 72 Inch Heavy duty Rolling industrial iron clothing rack- Great for yard sales or hanging extra clothes $40 615-394-2414
FOR SALE: Cemetery plot at Evergreen - CALL 931-310-5747
FOR SALE: Cherry post bed with post that are around 5 to 6 feet tall for $75 629-335-0275
FOR SALE: 2006 non-running Jeep Grand Cherokee. Looking for a place to rent to live and work in. Would like to find an acre of land to rent too. Also willing to work around you house for a reduction of rent. 931-652-3650
WANTED: Sturdy set of black metal bunk beds in the Smyrna and Murfreesboro area. I will pay a decent, but fair price for the bunk beds. Also wanting to buy floating shelves. 615-305-0647 Ask for Gina
FOR SALE: Restored antique Roll Top oak desk - $500.00 Restored antique 60" round dining table with 6 chairs - $500.00 Noritake Dinner Service for 12 Silver Dale #5594, 12 Goblets, 12 Sherbets - $500. Call/Text: - (615) 556-9335
WANTED: Old non-working GUNS, Want a 351 Ford Engine 931-808-5644