For Sale: Sectional Sofa for $200 and a nice dining room set for $75 and jeans for sale for $5 ea. 887-3342
For Sale: Twin sized power pedic bed that is only $300 and a 19” TV by Sanyo with remote for $25 – 617-3586
For Sale: Three push-mowers in good shape – 274-6147
For Sale: Roadmaster 26” 15-speed bike - $50 – call 895-0455
Will convert home movies to DVD – call me 569-0933
For Sale: air conditioner for $200 – window unit in good shape and a kitchen table – 893-5476
For Sale: Mscobie ducks and Americana hens and roosters 615-587-5187
For Sale; Oak sofa table for $40 and a 51” big screen TV in good shape for $90 and a set of artificial trees for $10 ea. 615-893-6564
YARD SALE: Mt. Herman Baptist Church on Bradyville Rd. at Mt. Herman – 7 to 5 on TODAY and 7 to 12 on Saturday
For Sale: 1991 Ford Tempo with new tires and an 8-end Ford Tractor with new tires and a donkey 563-9844
YARD SALE: 5307 Elam Road – leather sofa with recliner, TV's, glasstop stove and MORE! 427-9488
For Sale: Two male donkeys and an edger 3.5 hp for $40 and a few baby guineas, 848-3590
For Sale; Custom Built life sized doll house – or a storage shed or playhouse 893-3986
For Sale: 17” Jim Sanders saddle that is black and red for $265 and a 3-tier saddle stand that is aluminum for $50 – 653-3680